Bone Regeneration Solution



DentoGen-CR is a patented nanocomposite bone graft developed through several years of research by scientists at Orthogen and New York University. Most of the synthetic and non-synthetic bone graft materials resorb or degrade either too slowly or too quickly. As a result of which, they often do not stimulate adequate bone regeneration in the defect. DentoGen-CR is designed to address this issue. DentoGen-CR degrades completely in 8-12 weeks in vivo and releases stimulus for bone growth as it degrades. Hence when it is implanted in extraction sockets or used to augment sinuses, by 4-6 months DentoGen-CR is completely replaced by the patient’s own regenerated bone. It is the only bone graft that stimulates bone regeneration in such a controlled fashion.


Several in vitro, in vivo and clinical studies have demonstrated the strong potential of DentoGen-CR as a bone graft. Orthogen plans to launch this product later this year.